Student Survey

AP-Supported Degrees Deliver Strong Returns for Graduates

Findings of Ipsos/Academic Partnerships ROI Survey

Results of 2023 Ipsos/Academic Partnerships ROI Survey

Academic Partnerships commissioned one of the world’s leading research firms, Ipsos, to survey graduates of AP-supported programs in relation to student return on investment (ROI).

The survey found that recent graduates of AP-supported programs averaged double-digit salary increases, a short tuition payback period of 1.2 years, and overwhelmingly affirmed the value of their degrees.

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Rethinking the ROI of the Degree To Focus On Investment—Not Just the Return

Jeff Selingo discusses the future of online education and the return on investment with our CEO, Fernando Bleichmar, in a Forbes article posted today.

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Listen to the latest Future U Podcast with Fernando Bleichmar

Listen in to the latest Future U podcast, “The Future of Online Ed.” Our very own, Fernando Bleichmar joins hosts Jeff Selingo, Michael Horn and Coursera’s CEO,…

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Press Release

Ipsos Study Finds Strong ROI for Graduates of Programs Supported by Academic Partnerships

Academic Partnerships (AP) today shared new survey results from Ipsos that show a strong return on investment (ROI)…

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3 Questions for CEO of Academic Partnerships on Learner ROI

Inside Higher Ed’s Joshua Kim discusses ROI with AP’s Fernando Bleichmar Of all the online program management companies, I know the least about Academic Partnerships. This…

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New Survey Reveals Strong Gains for Graduates of AP-Supported Programs

The survey found that recent graduates of AP-supported programs averaged double-digit salary increases, a short tuition payback period…

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Summary of Results

Survey Reveals Strong ROI for Graduates of AP-Supported Programs

The AP ROI Survey reveals that graduates of AP-supported programs fare well – from salary gains and career advancement…

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Ipsos Article Outlining the Strong Gains For Graduates of AP-Supported Programs

Academic Partnerships (AP) helps regional public universities and small colleges develop and grow their online degree programs in nursing…

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Quotes from student respondents:

“I’ve been promoted twice. I make more than $20k over what I made previously. I am finally in a position I absolutely love and still have another step or two I can rise.”

-F, 30-39, Education, Arkansas State University

“It allowed me to pursue my dream position as a CNS, and I have also been able to teach with a master’s degree which was not open to me prior to my degree.”

-F, 30-39, Nursing, Northern Kentucky University

“My degree cost a little over $25k, and my salary has increased $40k/year.”

-M, 40-49, Business, Southern Oregon University

“I increased my salary over $25k annually within 12 months of completing the program, I expect more increases to follow as time goes on. The degree has already paid for itself and then some.”

-M, 30-39, Business, SE Oklahoma State